This is an exciting next step in a ten-year journey empowering and exploring the issues facing women and girls in our County.
What is a giving circle?
A giving circle is a group collaborating for change. Like-minded individuals join together and pool their funds, discuss issues that matter to them, and decide together where to give their money, time, and talent.
We have seen the impact of Circles across the country where women pool their donations to have a greater impact together than they may have had separately. The most successful groups learn together about the needs and opportunities facing their community. They deepen their engagement with the community and foster belonging.
In 2024, members of the Coalition of Chautauqua County Women and Girls Steering Committee launched the Women’s Giving Circle of Chautauqua County. This membership effort provides structure and financial stability for the Coalition’s long-term vision of providing opportunities for women and girls to thrive.

Our Mission
Building a better future for women and girls of Chautauqua County.
Our Purpose
We empower women and girls by pooling our resources and experiences to amplify our impact.
Our Values
Growth and Learning
Shared Leadership
Chautauqua County Data & Status Reports
Chautauqua County Community Needs Assessment – Chautauqua Opportunities, Inc.
Financial Hardship in New York – ALICE Data (Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed)
Status Report of Women and Girls
Meet Our Leadership Team
Judith Claire
Jane Cleaver Becker
Jennifer DeLancey
Amanda Gesing
Karen Goodell
Polly Hampton
Diane E. Hannum
Anne Hoyt
Tory Irgang
Sue McNamara
Erin Pender
Rev. Amy Rohler
Terrie Tucker
Meet Our Members
Ann Morse Abdella
Breeanne Agett
Cindy Aronson
Sherra Babcock
Nancy Gay Bargar
T. Marion Beckerink
Cathy Bonner
Elizabeth Booth
Mary Boyle
Nancy Boynton
Linda Cahn
Sandra Calalesina
Leslie Calimeri
Krista Camarata
Jill Casey
Alison Churchill
Dawn Columbare
Callie DeLancey
Kate Ebersole
Kathleen Evans
Elisabeth French
Karen Magnuson Galbato
Whitney Gleason
Barbara Goldman
Lisa Goodell
Betty Catania Gossett
Lynda Graham-Barber
Sharon J. Hamilton
Donna P. Hampton
Izumi Hara
Carol Hay
Julie Heflin
Cristie Herbst
Mary Virginia Hustead
Patty Idzik
Angela James
Bridget Johnson
Janice U. Johnson
Justina Johnson
Susan Jones
Liz Keogh
Betsy Kidder
Jane Kidder
Heather Kinal
Maria Kindberg
Jen Koss
Dr. Susan Laubach
Kristin M. Lee Yaw, Esq.
Rachel M. Ludwig
Andrea Gerace Magnuson
Micki McCray
Kristan McMahon
Joan Mistrough
Pamela Noll
M. Cathy Nowosielski MD
Susan O'Connor Baird
Laura Otander
Susan Parker
Laura Pembridge Currie
Jill Penrose-Smith
Sheila Penrose
Cynthia Howard Peterson
Beth Peyton
Jacqueline Phillips
Katie Prechtl Cooke
Linda Prechtl
Courtney Rappole
Mary Helen Rappole
Pamela Reis
Leslie Renjilian
Leigh Rovegno
Shannon Rozner
Marilyn Scarpino
Sheila Schroeder-Phillips
Betsy Shepherd
Alexis Singleton
Patricia A. Smith
Megan Sorenson
Michele D. Starwalt-Woods
Kristie Steitz
Pamela Steitz
Holly Sullivan
Deborah Sunya Moore
Christine Swanson
Linda V. Swanson
Heather A. Turner
Solimar Vazquez
Ro Woodard
Mary Beth Wuebbolt
Megan Wuebbolt
Hope A. Zielinski Degarie

Join the Giving Circle
We invite you to join the Women’s Giving Circle of Chautauqua County. This requires a commitment of at least $500 per year. Our members will create and facilitate a grantmaking process that will funnel your commitment into the community. Initial grants will be made in 2024. Please consider making your commitment to join today and inviting a friend, family member, or neighbor to do the same.